Friday, January 16, 2015

Trial Run

We are taking a trial run in our RV. We are hoping to sell our home in the immediate future and begin a simpler lifestyle, traveling the lower 48. Four solar panels on the roof, 4 new outlets installed that we can plug into when running on solar power. Mega antenna that will help us pick up/boost WiFi. Sounds a little crazy to sell our beautiful home and pack a family of five into a 5th wheel, but we are excited for the challenge and for the freedoms it will allow our family. 

A 10 day trip to California to visit our niece and nephew will be a great opportunity to work out the kinks. We will attempt boondocking(parking/camping for free), running off of solar power, seeing how much propane we go through for cooking and some heating, gas,working, homeschooling, internet reception, maneuvering the RV, and living on a $100 per day budget. My own personal goal is making healthy meals for the family and exercising along the way. We will be bringing our bikes and the kids's scooters and plan on many family outings together. We will keep you updated of our adventures and memories being made. 


  1. How fun, what a blessing to be able to do that! :)

  2. I love that you are doing that, and that you are doing a trial run first. Perfect timing to go to Cali....SUNSHINE!!! Have an amazing trip!!
